Power Division, DISCOS, Installation of AMI Meters, PITC will Monitor the Progress
More News about Topic https://staffsmt.blogspot.com/search/label/ No.12(07)/201 8-DISCO-1 GOVERNMENT OF PAKIST AN MINISTRY OF ENERGY (POWER DIVISION) ooo Islamabad the September 28, 2022 Subject: MINUTES OF PERFORMANCE REVIEW ME DISCOS 29-07-2022 TO 05-08-2022 ETING WITH CEOs In continuation of this Division's letter of even number dated 9.9.2022 forwarding therewith minutes of the Performance Review Meeting of DISCOs held from 29-07-2022 to 05-08-2022 for information and ensuring further necessary action for strict compliance. 2. Minister for Energy (Power Division) has desired to convey the following directions to DISCOs for strict compliance in view of increase in AT&C losses and T&D losses as mentioned in para-5 of above referred minutes: - [Sr.No] ——s—s—~—~*~«C~CiMrectios, «= id|CTTieme Line | i) Installation of AMI meters on all transformers in their high| Before 30" loss feeders (starting with feeders with the highest AT&C | June, 2023 loss in their jurisdic...