New GEPCO BoD meeting held in GEPCO Headquarters Chaired by Muhammad Shoaib Butt

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New GEPCO BoD meeting held in GEPCO Headquarters Chaired by Muhammad Shoaib Butt
The important meeting of the new GEPCO Board of Directors was held at the GEPCO headquarters under the chairmanship of GEPCO Board of Directors Chairman Muhammad Shoaib Butt. In the meeting, the members of the Board of Directors formed by the Ministry of Energy (Power Division) Zia Muhyiddin, Atif Farid Sabarkhan, Rana Farhan Muazzam, Fahad Shakur, Muhammad Shoaib, Muhammad Asgharwadich, Noor Muhammad Mirza, Chief Executive GEPCO Muhammad Ayub, Chief Financial Officer Muhammad Ayaz, Company Secretary Uzman Ali and others participated. Speaking at the meeting, Chairman BOD Muhammad Shoaib Butt said that Gepco is not compared to any other company, but we have to set our own goals in the field of development and improvement.

He said that we came in the spirit of service, so instead of unnecessary meetings and unnecessary delays in decision-making, the decisions will be made on merit. Muhammad Shoaib Butt said that as the chairman, I announce my full voluntary withdrawal from the honorarium received in connection with the meetings. Likewise, board member Zia Mohiuddin also withdrew from the honorarium received, while all the members agreed upon drawing the attention of the chairman. The resolution almost halved the number of honorarium members received.

He said that we pledge that safety, efficiency deficiencies and corruption will not be tolerated under any circumstances while raising the standard of customer care and special attention will be paid to the welfare of employees. Mohammad Shoaib Butt said that we have got an opportunity to run the management of a good company like Gepco but at the same time it is a big challenge for us to take over a company which is already giving excellent results in terms of performance. Further improvements should be made, but with the use of modern technology and integrated analytical thinking, we will work as a team and use all our skills for the development and financial growth of GEPCO and reduce the difficulties faced by the country's economy. I will play the role to the best of my ability.

He said that the crisis of the power sector in Pakistan is not hidden from anyone, but now we have to deal with these crises with determination. On this occasion, Chief Executive GEPCO Muhammad Ayub congratulated the new members of the Board of Directors on their appointment. Congratulating him and giving a detailed briefing on the company's performance, he said that Gapcoke line losses are as per the set standards of Nepra while the recovery is more than 100%. He said that Gepco's distribution system is very reliable while GEPCO is one of the leading distribution companies in the country with a stable financial position. Other board members also appreciated the overall performance of GEPCO and said that the customer of GEPCO is the best customer, so we will also try to ensure that GEPCO customers including GEPCO management and employees do not face any problems at the company level. . In the meeting, the technical, financial and development works of the company were reviewed and emphasis was placed on making a better plan for the future.


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